Laporta behaviour at thetime of the flare up during the Espanyol match and after that talking to the press has been really awful. He should be shamed of the way he conducted especially during the match. It was clear from the start of the incident that it was started by some stupid Barcelona fans. The reaction from Espanyol fans could be justified after most of them were scrabmling for safety. Yup, some of them did try to break into the pitch. MudnoDeportivo reports that half a dozen flares were thrown out by Barcelona supporters on to a section crowded by Espanyol supporters. Most of the Espanyol supporters were running for safety and there were utter confusion around the stadium. In the box, Espanyol president and others did well to maintain their calmness during the course of events. But Laporta just went Berserk. No idea as of what promted him for such a action. But his behaviour was appaling. It was really commendable of the members of Espanyol club in the bo, that they did not respond to his accusations. If they had then the situations would have been worse.
After the match Joan Laporta put the entire blame on the Espanyol club authorites. The section of the stadium from where the flares were thrown up were occupied by the infamous "Boix Nois" - the mad boys of catalan. Joan Laporta said that Boix Nois were not allowed to enter to Camp Nou and it was Espanyol's fault to have let them in. But he never felt a sense of regret after all it was the supporters of Barcelona started this. There were reports from Sport.es suggesting that a lady almost suffered a nervous breakdown due to panic. The Espanyol authorities has to side a huge reponsibility of blame as they allowed these fans to bring these flares. But this was not the time for Laporta to play politics. The image of the club has been tarnished and more sensible reaction should have been to pledge support to find and punish those who were reponsible. But Laporta after all may not be a Gentle Man as we all believe.