ECA is an organization formed to protect the interest of European clubs; especially the big ones. Hence the call for a percentage cap on spending by ECA does not come as a surprise. What it effectively does (if implemented) is that the bigger clubs don't have to worry about the smaller ones anymore. At this moment Manchester City can spend any amount for any players because of their owners; this coupled with the financial crisis other clubs are facing would definitely put Manchester City in the forefront. Clubs which have rich history like FC Barcelona, Real Madrid, Liverpool etc had build up a financial and sporting base on their own. But smaller clubs cannot replicate that and the proposed revenue cap will make sure that they will never reach those levels. There only hope to compete with the bigger clubs is to hope some heavily rich guy takes over and spend heavily to aquire the resources to challenge the big guns. Michel Platini is playing into the hands of ECA by alligning with them and not foreseeing their hidden agenda. The only optimal solution would be to introduce a spending cap similiar to all clubs - big or small. Every club should be asked not to spend more than X million dollars in a season. That will be a much more democratic approach to this problem; but Platini will do a world of good to him and European football if he ponders a bit more on Blatter's proposal of home grown players. If that is adopted (not as Blatter told) that will automatically tie down the clubs from spending unnecassarily.