But a fortnight back he really made up for that mismatch. He inspired Atletico to a 4-3 victory in a game which Atletico clearly dominated FC Barcelona from the word go. Last week he repeated the performance against a resurgent Real Madrid at the Bernebeu. He may have missed a handful of chances to seal off the match; but no one can deny his importance in that match. Out of the three options David Villa is the most proven customer. He has been a sensation both for Valencia and Spain for a number of seasons. In that view he should be the ideal choice of striker at Barca especially if Barca mange to retain Eto. Out of the three he is the ideal to take the front left position and would be at ease in switching to the centre. But again it all depend on what Barca's technical team is looking for. If they are looking for a striker who can complement our attack as well as provide a substantial aerial threat, then Karim Benzema would be a better choice as a striker. Then his arrival will surely create some problem is we manage to retain Eto. Eto and Benzema would ideally like to play the centre forward role. Eventhough Eto can do well at the left, I don't think he would be happy to let go off his position. Aguerro is kind of different from both of these players. Aguerro's clear strength are his physical ability and great burst of speed and obviously his latin american style of playing. He made a mockery of Real Madrid defenders on Saturday, especially Cannavaro. He effortlessly turned past them every time, but I have to admit that there is not much of interest in Barca circle to poach him. But if he can get Atletico go past FC Porto then there could be srious interest in him. But what could potentially become a big factor if Barca is going to sign him would be the fact that Messi and Aguerro plays really well in their national side.