She acted in the television series "Todos contra el ex" in which she played the role of Carmen in 2006. Claudia got her fame from the movie "Blackout" which was released in 2007. After that she played the role of Esperanza in the television series "Pablo recibe una paliza" which was released in 2008.
Claudia recently acted in the movie "Emulsion" which is going to be released in 2011
- Trilingual: Spanish, Catalan, English
- Otros: Swedish, French, Italian
- 2011 · Emulsion / Dir. Suki Singh
- 2010 · The Eagle Path / Dir. Jean-Claude Van Damme
- 2009 · Paintball / Dir. Daniel Benmayor
- 2007 · Blackout / Dir. Rigoberto Castañeda
- 2006 · El Coronel Macià / Dir. Josep Maria Forn
- 2010 · Gavilanes / Character: Norma Elizondo / Antena 3
- 2010 · La Riera / Character: Laia / TV3
- 2009-2009 · Spain...On the Road Again / PBS
- 2008 · Amar en Tiempos Revueltos / Character: Esperanza / TVE
- 2007 · C.L.A. no somos angeles / Character: Elena Rincón / Antena 3
- 2006 · El mundo de Chema / Character: Carmen / Canal Cuatro
- 2006 · Mis adorables vecinos / Character: Sheila mayor / Antena 3

- Password (2010) / Episode 22 march 2010 / Episode 19 march 2010
- II Premis Gaudí de l’Acadèmia del Cinema Català / Presenter of Best Film (2010)
- Arucitys (2007-2010) / Episode 5 January 2010 / Episode 26 September 2007 / Episode 14 march 2007
- Iron Chef America: The Series / Judge in “Cora vs. Ballesteros: Ricotta” (2010)
- Callejeros viajeros / Los Angeles (2009)
- Hora Q / Episode 1.11 (2008)
- Channel nº 4 / Episode 2.15 (2006)
- Boys' Life / Wilmington, EE.UU / Dir. Ed Wagenseller
- Degree in Musical Theatre from Coco Comin academy / Barcelona.
- NIDA (National Institute of Dramatic Art) / Sydney, Australia / Acting.
- University of North Carolina / Wilmington, EE.UU / Acting for the Camera.
- Universitat de Barcelona / English Language and Literature.

- The Screen Actor / NIDA (National Institute of Dramatic Art). Michael Harrop, Jennifer Kent, Daphne Paris.
- Movement for the Actor / UNCW (University of North Carolina, Wilmington). Dr. Renée Vincent.
- Voice for the Actor / UNCW. Carol Pendergrast.
- Master Class with Jordan Beswick / Studio vo/vf, París. Jordan Beswick.
- Actor for the Camera /UNCW. Peter Jurasik.
- Voice Craf / Paul Farrington.
- Taller de monólogos / Central de Cine, Madrid. Sara Bilbatúa, Macarena Pombo.
- Screen Acting / NIDA. Nicholas Bishop, Tim Elston, Paul Barry, Martin Reefman.
- Performance of Literature / UNCW. Dr. Carole Tallant.
- Summer Professional Actor / TVI Studios, Los Angeles.
- British Actors Training Program / TVI Studios, Reino Unido.
- Singing: Pop.
- Danza: Flamenco, Sevillanas, Ballet, Claqué, Jazz, Contemporary.
- Instruments: Guitar and Piano.
- Modelling: Experience as an international fashion model (Francina, Elite International and Satoru Japan).