Bona Paputungan, who wrote the song last year while serving time for domestic violence in Gorontalo, a province in Sulawesi’s north, filed a police report on Sunday after receiving threatening phone calls from a person claiming to be a member of the police’s elite antiterror unit.
Bona said a man claiming to be a member of the National Police’s Detachment 88 called him on Saturday after he was interviewed on television, threatening his and his family’s safety.
“I felt threatened so I reported it to the police, accompanied by some journalists who overheard the phone call,” he said.
“The caller said my song had caused a disturbance across the country.”
In the four-minute song, a music video of which was posted on YouTube on Friday, Bona, who claims to have received harsh treatment while in prison, parodied graft suspect Gayus Tambunan by paying off prison officials as he prepares to leave for a trip to Bali.
Gayus, a former tax official who gained notoriety for allegedly bribing state officials to escape an embezzlement conviction, dominated headlines again after he was photographed watching an international tennis tournament in Bali while he was supposed to be in detention.
He later also admitted to having traveled to Singapore, Kuala Lumpur and Macau after paying prison guards to let him out.
Detectives said they have not yet confirmed if the caller was from Detachment 88. “It’s too early to come to any conclusion,” said Sr. Comr. Haddra, Gorontalo Police’s Chief of detectives.
Bona’s song criticizes the judicial system for allowing rich people to escape justice by bribing law enforcement officials.
“If I was Gayus Tambunan, I could go to Bali. All my wishes would be fulfilled,” the lyrics go. “The funny thing about this country, justice can be bought. Those who cannot afford it can only surrender to the situation.”
As of Sunday, the song had about 100,000 hits. (jakartaglobe)
Download If I Was Gayus Tambunan (4Shared)