On the right hand from wrist to upper arm is a dragon tattoo. While in the left hand is a symbol of Leo tattooed in Greek. Meanwhile, two other tattoos on the waist.
According to Irfan, tattoos were associated with birth dates and zodiac dragon.
"In Chinese belief, Shio Naga leaders have had a strong character. Therefore, I am interested to mengabadikannya on my arm, "
"My first tattoo there waist. Tattoo picture birthrate August 11, 1988. While in my body there is a tattoo that read my last name, Bachdim, "
Four were collected Irfan tattoos since the age of 18 years, but now he no longer wished to add a tattoo.
Maybe, if Indonesia is able to AFF Cup champions for the first time Irfan want add tattoos, pictures of Garuda, perhaps? Or number 17, the number back in Red and White Cap. (blog)